60 Powerful Journal Prompts to Build Self-Esteem and Confidence

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60 Powerful Journal Prompts to Build Self-Esteem and Confidence

I recognize I am. Confidence has in no way been a robust suit of mine. Fake confidence? Sure. I by some means became an expert at that in my overdue teens and it kind of bled over into my young adulthood. But deep down I changed into always deeply insecure about myself.

I suppose that fake confidence need to have been a coping mechanism or survival talent I evolved. After transferring to a new college and new a part of metropolis while my mother and father divorced, I didn’t understand the way to make friends. So I have become truly shy, and quiet and I didn’t say a whole lot.

Confidence can be any such powerful tool if you can increase it in the suitable manner, and I discover it’s miles all approximately balance.

You don’t want to lack shallowness, but on the same time, while we turn out to be overconfident we also can get ourselves into hassle.

But healthful self assurance offers us the courage and power to be exactly who we want to be and stay the lifestyles we dream approximately.

Luckily, there are magazine prompts that could assist us to broaden the right quantity of self belief that we could all use in our lives.

deep down I was always deeply insecure about myself

60 self-esteem journal prompts

  1. What makes me special?
  2. When do I take into account feeling maximum assured in my early life?
  3. Who is the maximum confident man or woman I recognize? How could I describe them?
  4. What do I need to be remembered for?
  5. What are my pleasant man or woman trends?
  6. What compliments do humans regularly give to me?
  7. How might my great friend describe me?
  8. Who do I look as much as and why?
  9. When do I experience the most like myself?
  10. What does self assurance suggest to me?
  11. What is one hobby that cheers me up irrespective of what?
  12. What are 10 compliments I may want to deliver to myself right now?
  13. What does self belief imply to me?
  14. What is my nice inner quality?
  15. How can I be extra type to myself?
  16. What went properly these days?
  17. How often do I compare myself to others?
  18. What are the maximum fine elements of my existence?
  19. What would I forestall doing if I became more assured?
  20. What do I do well?What is an example of a challenge I faced and how did I grow because of it?
  21. What is an instance of a assignment I faced and how did I grow because of it?
  22. What is an example of a project I faced and the way did I grow due to it?
  23. What is maintaining me again from chasing my desires?
  24. How does 2d guessing myself make me feel?
  25. What goes nicely on this season of my existence?
  26. Have I complimented myself nowadays?
  27. Have I showed braveness recently?
  28. What are three matters I am pleased with inside the last 30 days.
  29. What compliment do I get that I conflict to just accept?
  30. What am I doing to develop this month?
  31. What do I need to forgive myself for?
  32. What is my first-class bodily nice?
  33. What is my perfect imaginative and prescient of my dream life?
  34. What is the nicest issue I even have ever carried out for myself?
  35. Name a time I felt truely horrific approximately myself. What made me feel awful?
  36. I am the happiest whilst…
  37. Do I feel judgement from others? Why?
  38. What varieties of notion patterns make me experience insecure?
  39. How can I use extra superb self-speak?
  40. How have I underestimated myself?
  41. How many days can I cross with out being overly vital of myself?
  42. Do I agree with people love me for me? Why or why no longer?
  43. What is one component I want I could think about myself and accept as true with?Do I believe people love me for me? Why or why not?
  44. What garments make me sense my nice?
  45. How can I love myself greater?
  46. How do I experience once I listen different humans taking negatively about themselves?
  47. Who are my cheerleaders in my life?
  48. What do I want to thank myself for?Do I accept as true with human beings love me for me? Why or why no longer?
  49. What small matters do I value the maximum in my existence?
  50. Write down 10 self-love affirmations.
  51. Write your frame a letter thanking it for all that it does for you.
  52. What is the great compliment anybody has ever given to me?
  53. What is an instance I can consider of me overcoming my self-doubt?
  54. What do I want to trade about my lifestyles right now?
  55. What are three things I can do to add extra positivity in my existence right now?
  56. What can I examine from my largest win?
  57. What can I learn from my largest failure?
  58. What is something specific about me?
  59. What is some thing I can do for myself right now that my future self will thank me for?
  60. What damages my confidence?
  61. What is something I can do today this is out of doors my consolation zone?


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